Now is as good a time as any to brainstorm ideas to spice up your social marketing strategies for the new decade. The fundamental rules of social marketing, or any kind of marketing for that matter, have always remained constant.

Yet, you need to protect your brand from being perceived as dated and stale, which is why you can begin the new decade with these three cool social marketing suggestions.

Take a Stand

Two social marketing campaigns that really caught the eye in 2019 included Mercedes-Benz’s #GirlsHaveNoLimit and Volvo’s #SelfieForSafety. To impress the public, a brand needs to be something more than just a product or service.

We are all part of this world and people expect brands and businesses too to stand for social issues. What social message you want your brand to represent will depend on your personal preference and the kind of audience you intend to target.

Taking a stand on a social issue has a deeper meaning—it means you believe that you can and will make a difference. To ignore socially-relevant messages may be construed as a lack of faith in your ability to take on challenging problems, not a message you want to be associated with your brand.

Make Them Laugh… Every Single Time

Ask any ten persons at random and nine will tell you they surf social media for entertainment and funny content, and the tenth one is probably too shy to go on the record.

So, except for very serious topics, keep it light, keep it funny, and keep it humorous. The good thing is there are many aspects to humour—witty, slapstick, nonsensical, or plain old punny. Explore the full spectrum and watch your audience engagement zoom ahead.

Stop selling… at least not all the time

Want your audience to believe they are something more than just wallets filled with money? Then prove it by going beyond selling and marketing all the time.

You know your audience. You know what they like and dislike and what makes them tick. So, show that you really care for them by focusing on how you can add value to their lives? This is not about being social or responsible.

This is just about sending a message that you and your brand really care for your patrons. Campaigns based on this strategy may not work out all the time, but sincere efforts will shine through over the long run.

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